Avvoka Academy Get started on your automation journey


What is the Avvoka Academy?

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Legal Tech Demystified

We felt that there was too much ‘tell’ rather than ‘show’ when it came to legal tech companies, and so we developed the Academy to address that. 

A Hands-On Experience

We give attendees free access to the platform and teaching them the practical skill of automation in a hands-on and accessible way.

Something for Everyone

We help everyone from first-year law students to GCs to try document automation for themselves by getting hands-on with the tech.

We run regular sessions that are free for anyone to attend. We’re also constantly evolving our programmes as we partner with other organisations to deliver more relevant and tailored content. If you’d like to know more about the Academy or about partnering with us, get in touch!

Why join the Academy?

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Work more efficiently

Document automation typically increases efficiency by 80% over manual drafting. By freeing up valuable time, you can focus on the more complex and challenging aspects of legal work.


Further your career

Automation is a key skill and is fast becoming an integral part of a lawyer’s toolkit. Get ahead of the trend and make yourself invaluable to your team.


Keep up-to-date

Learn about current and growing trends in legal-tech, allowing you to stay ahead.


See what our attendees think

Avvoka Academy
  • "I thought I’d be out of my depth during the Avvoka workshops - However, this was far from my actual experience"

    Being a LegalTech novice, I thought I’d be out of my depth during the Avvoka workshops. However, this was far from my actual experience.

    Krishna and Alice were incredibly good at explaining how document automation works in Avvoka and they would take their time to go step-by-step in showing us how to achieve automation in our own templates.

    It was great that I felt more confident as the workshops progressed to more complex areas of automation and I certainly look forward to more workshops in the future!

  • "Prior to the Avvoka Academy I didn’t have the chance to experience what these technologies are really capable of"

    I have read a lot about LegalTech and its disruption of the legal market, but prior to the Avvoka Academy I didn’t have the chance to experience what these technologies are really capable of

  • "Many myths surrounding LegalTech were debunked"

    Many myths surrounding LegalTech were debunked.  Before attending the session, I expected that automation would be difficult to get to grips with. However, I found that it was highly accessible, as the Avvoka system was easy to use and no knowledge of coding was required. Also, I learnt that LegalTech empowers lawyers and business users, rather than negatively affecting the demand for such roles. They are able to upskill from admin tasks and use their time for more important and exciting work.